Raising awareness about the conservation of habitats Lowland Hay Meadows (Habitat 6510), Tilio-Acerion Forests of Slopes, Screes and Ravines (Habitat 9180*) and Endemic Forests with Juniperus spp. (Habitat 9560*).
Only with the participation of all responsible institutions and the cooperation of local communities is it possible to reach the goals of Council Directive 92/43 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. This is why we have identified all parties, interested in the three habitats in Natura 2000 sites, whom the improvement of the conservation status and the maintenance of the habitats IAS plant-free depends on in the long term. The target groups to be informed of the actions and results of the project have also been determined, so that the collaborative management model can be shared and applied in other regions of Bulgaria.
Before we created this website, there was no reliable source of useful, non-specialist information on the fight against IAS. There was no access to concrete examples of successful tackling of IAS either. We made it our mission to fill this gap and win over the trust of all interested parties, in order to help them in all their endeavours, related to the protection of the selected habitats from IAS.
We create and disseminate the following materials for local communities and authorities, for responsible organisations and institutions: posters, leaflets, information boards, media announcements.
We carry out press conferences, in order to popularize the measures and methods of conserving the habitats and fighting IAS plants.