You can use the After Life Conservation Plan about the transfer and replication of the project results.
The Layman’s Report is available for viewing and reading.
Use the Good Practice Guide for Maintaining Grassland and Forest Natural Habitats and Ways to Control and Remove Invasive Alien Tree and Shrub Species. The guide was created within the framework of the project and represents the practical experience of the expert team. The methods are illustrated with pictures and diagrams.
About This Project
The project supports the maintenance and conservation of four of the most valuable and threatened habitat types in Bulgaria and Europe as a whole. They are located in three protected areas in the European network Natura 2000 in central Bulgaria, more specifically:
- Habitat 9560* Endemic forests with Juniperus spp., in “Rhodopi Zapadni” Natura 2000 site.
- Habitat 9180* Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines, in site Central Balkan, which overlaps with Central Balkan National Park.
- Habitat 6510 Lowland hay meadows, in Central Balkan – buffer Natura 2000 site.
- Habitat 6210 Semi-natural Dry Grasslands and Scrubland Facies: on Calcareous Substrates (Festuco-Brometalia), in Central Balkan – buffer Natura 2000 site.
The habitats are protected, according to the Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, two of them being of high conservation priority. In Bulgaria, these habitats are protected by the Biological Diversity Act and included in the Red Data Book.
As part of the project we are working to limit the spreading of invasive alien plant species (IAS) and clearing parts of the habitats from them.
The fight against IAS costs Europe 12 billion Euro every year. They represent one of the biggest environmental problems of the XXI century. EU Regulation 1143/2014 for the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of Invasive Alien Species has been in force for European Union member states since January 1, 2015. The act requires that EU member countries control IAS, evaluate the risk they pose, carry out monitoring, early detection and quick eradication, develop action plans with measures for the limitation of IAS dissemination pathways, manage the already established species, etc.
Help monitor the invasive alien species in your area by using the „Invasive Alien Species Europe“ app. This way each citizen can contribute to the early detection of new invaders.
Project LIFE16 NATBG000856 Habitats free of Invasive Alien Plant Species, Co-funded by the European Commission
Coordinating beneficiary:
Foundation Information and Nature Conservation
Associated beneficiaries:
Foundation for Organic Agriculture Bioselena and Ecoforum for the Nature, Plovdiv

Discussion forum
“Nature free of invasive alien plants” – sharing good practices for the protection of valuable natural habitats in Natura 2000 and recommendations to limit IAS trees and shrubs, held on 10 June 2022.

19 most threatening IAS plants
Together with the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW), we published nineteen articles about the most threatening Bulgaria invasive alien plant species. Visit the Ministry’s website and read about them.
Project LIFE16NATBG000856 maintains and aids in the conservation of four of the rarest and most vulnerable habitat types in Bulgaria and Europe:
Lowland hay meadows
Semi-natural Dry Grasslands and Scrubland Facies: on Calcareous Substrates
Tilio-Acerion forests of slopes, screes and ravines
Endemic forests with Juniperus spp.

Why are habitats important?
The ecosystems and biodiversity within habitats form the basis of all natural processes. Without them atmospheric, climatic, hydrological and biochemical phenomena would be impossible. Oxygen, the most important component of air and a key element for vital processes is a product of the photosynthesis of more than 300 thousand species of organisms, containing chlorophyll.

Collaborative Management
The conservation of valuable, natural territories and maintaining them free of invasive alien plants depends on the support of all interested parties, responsible for the protection and management of habitats 6510, 6210, 9180* and 9560*. Only with their participation and in cooperation with the local communities can the project’s goals be achieved.